
New Feature: More Self-Service Controls For Payers To Manage Their Recurring Plans

New Feature - self service payer controls for moonclerk recurring payments

A few months ago we changed how your payers manage their own recurring plan by creating a new Payer Portal. We’re excited to announce that we’ve added additional functionality to the Payer Portal.

You can now also choose to allow your payers to:

Here’s what an un-themed Payer Portal “Billing” section can look like:

update billig info moonclerk recurring payments

Here’s what an un-themed Payer Portal “Plan Management” section can look like:

update recurring plan info moonclek recurring payments

Here’s what an un-themed Payer Portal “Payment History” section can look like:

 view payment history moonclerk recurring payments

With the new Payer Portal, you can now place a link on your website that works universally for all of your payers to be able to sign-in to manage their recurring plans. Previously, the only way for payers to manage their recurring plans was to click on a unique link in the email notifications they received. By default, each email notification will still have a Payer Portal link but now, you can provide this universal link as well.

You can also design and apply a theme to your Payer Portal, just like you can to your payment forms.

We are hoping to add additional controls for payers to be able to manage their own recurring plans now that we have the new Payer Portal in place.

Send us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions or feedback.

Photo by Mark Skipper


